Book Exhibition

Latin American Research Review

Booth(s): Virtual Booth
Latin American Research Review
The Latin American Research Review (LARR) publishes original research and review essays on Latin America, the Caribbean, and Latina/Latino studies.
The Latin American Research Review (LARR) is the flagship journal of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).

LARR publishes original research and review essays on Latin America, the Caribbean, and Latina/Latino studies since 1965. The journal covers the social sciences and the humanities, including the fields of anthropology, cultural studies, economics, history, literature, political science, and sociology. The journal reviews and publishes papers in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Now published by Cambridge University Press, LARR has been open access and online-only since 2017 (vol. 52). Issues from 2017 to the present are available without subscription at

Back content from 1965 to 2012 can be found on JSTOR. Content from 2003 to 2016 is available at Project Muse. Back content through 2016 is available on the LASA website to LASA members.

If you have an article you would like to submit to the journal, please do so here.

Issue 58-4

Featuring articles on:

     Peru's Armed Conflict

      Media and Politics

     Urban Studies

     Socio-economic Issues

and several Book Review Essays and Documentary Film Review Essays


Issue 58-3

Featuring articles on:

     Gender, Sexuality and Politics

     Politics and the Judiciary

     Dissident Voices

and several Book Review Essays and Documentary Film Review Essays


Issue 58-2

Featuring articles on:

     A Report from the Editor

     Afro-Latin America

     Environmental Studies

     Racism and Xenophobia

and several Book Review Essays


Issue 58-1

Featuring articles on:

     Interventions in Latin American Studies

     Puzzling Issues in Economics and Political Economy

    Public Health, Epidemics

and several Book Review Essays 


We are delighted that from the start of 2022 Latin American Research Review has been published in partnership with Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University Press and Latin America Research Commons, the publishing arm of Latin American Studies Association, are working together to ensure the continued excellence of this flagship journal, both now & in the future.

Editor in Chief

Carmen Martínez Novo
University of Florida

Latin American Research Commons (LARC)	Latin American Research Review (LARR)	Latin American Cultural Center (LACC)MaestroMeetings


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