En medio / miedo 1989 - 2023

Claudia Salamanca 2023 Colombia Castellano 10 minutes Distribution: Distribuidor: Claudia Salamanca (claudia.salamanca@javeriana.edu.co)

This video appropriates archival images and observes these images in the present and from the perspective of a child. It is an investigation of the past, present and future, contemplated from the political landscape of a quasi-ghostly intergenerational space.

Evento asociado:
Mesa redonda de cineastas colombiano/a/s: participa Claudia Salamanca

En medio / miedo 1989 - 2023

All films are available for viewing on-demand from June 12 to 15, 2024.

Latin American Research Commons (LARC)	Latin American Research Review (LARR)	Latin American Cultural Center (LACC)MaestroMeetings


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