La noche eterna

Coco Fusco 2023 Estados Unidos Castellano, subtítulos en inglés 73 minutes Distribution: Coco Fusco (

The film is the story of three Cuban young men that were convicted for their beliefs and their creations. It is based on the true story of Cuban writer and former political prisoner Néstor Díaz de Villegas. In 1974, Díaz de Villegas was sentenced to six years in prison for writing a poem. He was eighteen years old. “Ideological diversionism,” a term introduced by Raúl Castro in the early 1970’s, functioned as a legal and moral category that criminalized dissent in Cuba. 

Evento asociado:
Conversatorio (Q&A) con Coco Fusco, directora de la película

La noche eterna

All films are available for viewing on-demand from June 12 to 15, 2024.

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