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Luis Ospina, Jerónimo Atehortúa 2023 Colombia Sin diálogos, textos en castellano e inglés 78 minutes Distribution: Praga (

The film is an epic melodrama that narrates the impossible love between Efraín and Alicia throughout the convulsive first half of the 20th century in Colombia. Based on the first twelve silent Colombian films (1922-1937) that survived the passage of time, and taking as a reference several seminal novels of Colombian literature, this new imaginary story pays homage to those disappeared and unknown films.

Evento asociado:
Mesa redonda de cineastas colombiano/a/s: participa Jerónimo Atehortúa

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All films are available for viewing on-demand from June 12 to 15, 2024.

Latin American Research Commons (LARC)	Latin American Research Review (LARR)	Latin American Cultural Center (LACC)MaestroMeetings


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