KÜNÜ Un espacio para el diálogo

Francisco J. Huichaqueo 2023 Chile Castellano y mapudungun, subtítulos en inglés 61 minutes Distribution: Francisco Huichaqueom (primerasnaciones@gmail.com)

The film captures the collaborative efforts of 80 Mapuche communities to reclaim part of their ancestral lands from a large transnational forestry company in Chile, in the Araucanía-Loncoche region. Künü documents the creation of a space of dialogue between groups, made difficult by a long history of mistrust and power imbalances. The initiative focuses on practicing the ancestral and political self-determination of local Mapuche communities.

KÜNÜ Un espacio para el diálogo

All films are available for viewing on-demand from June 12 to 15, 2024.

Latin American Research Commons (LARC)	Latin American Research Review (LARR)	Latin American Cultural Center (LACC)MaestroMeetings


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