Maelström 2001

Juan Ignacio Pollio 2022 Argentina Castellano, subtítulos en inglés 121 minutes Distribution: Julieta Graffigna (

On December 20, 2001, during the protests against the state of siege and the socioeconomic crisis, five people were murdered and hundreds injured by police repression in the capital of Argentina. As part of the judicial process that tried a group of the authors of the crimes, Rodolfo Pregliasco was summoned to reconstruct the circumstances in which each of the crimes occurred. Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's story “A Descent into the Maelström,” Pregliasco created the panopticon, a program that spatially and temporally orders the chaos of images produced that day. The panopticon locates the victims and witnesses throughout the trial and recounts both radio-transmitted and latent police orders to reconstruct the bloodiest day of police repression in Argentine democracy.

Maelström 2001


All films are available for viewing on-demand from June 12 to 15, 2024.

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