Este fue nuestro castigo

Luis Cintora 2023 Peru Castellano y quechua, subtítulos en castellano 88 minutes Distribution: AV2MEDIA FILMS (

When the PCP Shining Path began its armed struggle against the Peruvian State at the beginning of the 1980s, the high Andean community of Hualla became one of its first “liberated” areas. But Hualla would soon pay a very high cost for having become a support base for subversion. Thirty years after the end of the violence, the community inaugurates a memory space in tribute to the victims left there by the internal armed conflict, and its residents break the silence about a past that still hurts.

Este fue nuestro castigo


All films are available for viewing on-demand from June 12 to 15, 2024.

Latin American Research Commons (LARC)	Latin American Research Review (LARR)	Latin American Cultural Center (LACC)MaestroMeetings


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