Book Exhibition

Duke University Press

Booth(s): Virtual Booth
Duke University Press
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A not-for-profit scholarly publisher, Duke University Press is best known for publishing in the humanities, social sciences, and mathematics. The Press publishes approximately 140 books annually and over 50 journals, as well as offering several electronic collections and open-access (OA) publishing initiatives. Our books have won many prestigious Latin American studies awards, including the Bryce Wood Book Award, the Bolton-Johnson Prize in Latin American History, and the Latinx Studies Section Outstanding Book Award.

Until July 24, 2024, save 40% on all books and journal issues with code LASA24 when you order on our website or that of our UK partner, Combined Academic Publishers.

Small AxeSmall Axe
A Caribbean Journal of Criticism
Author(s): Edited by David Scott
Language: English
Edition: Recent Issue, Volume 27:3
Book Webpage: Click here
Dissident PracticesDissident Practices
Brazilian Women Artists, 1960s–2020s
Author(s): Claudia Calirman
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here
El MonteEl Monte
Notes on the Religions, Magic, and Folklore of the Black and Creole People of Cuba
Author(s): Lydia Cabrera, translated by David Font-Navarrete
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here
Insignificant ThingsInsignificant Things
Amulets and the Art of Survival in the Early Black Atlantic
Author(s): Matthew Francis Rarey
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here
The Force of WitnessThe Force of Witness
Contra Feminicide
Author(s): Rosa-Linda Fregoso
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here
Circuits of the SacredCircuits of the Sacred
A Faggotology in the Black Latinx Caribbean
Author(s): Carlos Ulises Decena
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here
When Forests Run AmokWhen Forests Run Amok
War and Its Afterlives in Indigenous and Afro-Colombian Territories
Author(s): Daniel Ruiz-Serna
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here
Since Time ImmemorialSince Time Immemorial
Native Custom and Law in Colonial Mexico
Author(s): Yanna Yannakakis
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here
The Mexico ReaderThe Mexico Reader
History, Culture, Politics
Author(s): Edited by Gilbert M. Joseph and Timothy J. Henderson
Language: English
Book Webpage: Click here
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